N loves the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. I have been trying to find a used one for a decent price from Craigslist to no avail. So then I started searching the regular retailers. Target doesn't have the classic car that's red and yellow, but they do have a Princess car that comes with a pink ! cell phone! And that's not all...no, the product photo has a little girl DRIVING THE CAR WHILE ON THE PHONE!
Bad habits start early! It's like the Shopping Barbie that come with her own Visa card -- UGH!!!
Mason has the Classic Coupe (Walmart!) and L.O.V.E.S it! It was his easter gift- didnt quite fit in the easter basket, but it fit in the shopping basket ;-p
he even likes to lay underneath the car and 'change the oil' as G calls it! LOL Mason tries to drink his sippy while driving, we're trying to teach him that drinking and driving is no bueno! lol
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